
That’s right, I write.

Totally creative, but unlikely to go completely rogue, I can write anything, anytime, anywhere. And I swear, I don’t have an ego problem. I take direction well, play nice with others and whine on my own time.


Writing is for writers.

I believe writing should be left mostly to writers. I would never offer to perform an appendectomy simply because I own sharp knives. That’s not to say people shouldn’t continue to express themselves on social media. Dirty laundry is best aired on the Internet.

That's right, I wrote a book. 

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You need a writer, right?

You want smart, compelling copy and I might want to give an assist. Let’s chat. Maybe we won’t even like each other, but what if I was born to write just for you?

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You fear change, right?

Hiring someone is a total pain, and taking on new work is stressful, but we are in this together! If it doesn’t work out because you are mean (just kidding), we will both be okay. Eventually. 

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